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So Pretty! Crochet
Cover of So Pretty! Crochet
So Pretty! Crochet
Inspiration and Instructions for 24 Stylish Projects
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Two dozen delightful crochet patterns from countries around the world.
Stitch up super-stylish handmade goodies with So Pretty! Crochet. Craft expert and editor Amy Palanjian presents twenty-four irresistible projects—from craft stars around the world from Portugal to Latvia to Australia and beyond. You’ll find patterns for delicate necklaces, a soft and cozy hat and gloves, chic headbands, a darling garland, sweet nesting bowls, and much more.
With detailed instructions, helpful charts, crafty anecdotes, and stunning color photographs showcasing the oh-so-pretty projects, this vibrant collection elevates the classic craft of crochet and makes it perfectly stylish for today!
Two dozen delightful crochet patterns from countries around the world.
Stitch up super-stylish handmade goodies with So Pretty! Crochet. Craft expert and editor Amy Palanjian presents twenty-four irresistible projects—from craft stars around the world from Portugal to Latvia to Australia and beyond. You’ll find patterns for delicate necklaces, a soft and cozy hat and gloves, chic headbands, a darling garland, sweet nesting bowls, and much more.
With detailed instructions, helpful charts, crafty anecdotes, and stunning color photographs showcasing the oh-so-pretty projects, this vibrant collection elevates the classic craft of crochet and makes it perfectly stylish for today!
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About the Author-
  • Amy Palanjian is the former deputy editor of ReadyMade magazine and blogs about the work of artists and crafters who have an eye for combining traditional techniques with a modern aesthetic at She has appeared on Planet Green and ABC News and has been featured many publications including The Wall Street Journal. She lives in Des Moines, Iowa.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    April 2, 2012
    Former ReadyMade magazine deputy editor Palajian has assembled a collection of crochet projects with a modern feel. “No longer is it only a means to make an afghan, but the essential identity of crochet has expanded,” she writes. While there’s nary an afghan to be found here, unfortunately, crochet is not as flexible a medium as knitting and sewing, and some of the projects are clunkers. Janelle Haskin’s scalloped-edge neck warmer indeed looks like the “hat that got out of control,” as the designer claims, and Brandy Velten’s hairband looks like an escapee from a low-rent production of Hair. Other projects are more pleasing, but are simple variations on ideas that have been bouncing around the Internet for months, even years: a Web of Life crochet-covered stone and Yippee Bunting. Where this book is most successful is in simple projects that showcase natural yarns in up-to-date tones, such as the Linen Lariat—a lovely necklace that resembles a strand of clovers—or the ruffled button-up pouch, which could have myriad uses. The photos are lovely and in full color, although the occasional seductive pose by a model strikes an odd note. The final shortcoming? Readers are directed to YouTube videos to learn how to crochet, although a glossary is provided.

  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2012

    It's easy for contemporary crafters to say, "This isn't your grandma's crafting," but owing to changing trends, it may well be. This collection of crochet projects has that vibe: if your grandmother crocheted in the 1970s, you're likely to have pieces similar to these. Palanjian (former deputy editor, ReadyMade magazine) collects projects that are pretty in a retro-hipster way and generally easy enough for beginners. VERDICT Some of the projects are stunning, especially the crocheted necklaces, but others are just odd--like the crocheted net-covered river rock, which supposedly helps us remember our connection to nature. Crocheters who enjoy vintage-inspired designs may appreciate this collection.

    Copyright 2012 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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So Pretty! Crochet
So Pretty! Crochet
Inspiration and Instructions for 24 Stylish Projects
Amy Palanjian
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