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Exploring Space
Cover of Exploring Space
Exploring Space
Women Who Led the Way
This brand-new series highlights some of the major contributions women have made in the world of science.

From studying stars and discovering comets to flying into space as pioneering astronauts, women have been central to learning about space. Female astronomers gave us our first understanding of how large the universe really is and how much matter it contains. They were key to designing humans' first rocket-powered flights into space. And as soon as women could go into space themselves, they were eager to do so: some 65 women have now become space travelers. This book tells their stories and describes their vital contributions.


From studying the stars to curing disease, understanding plants and animals, pioneering computer studies, and unraveling the secrets of atoms and molecules, women have played a vital role in scientific advances since the ancient world. Yet their contributions have often gone unrecognized or, worse, have been credited to others. With lively text, photography, and art, Super SHEroes of Science sets out to redress the balance and give credit where it's due. It examines the contributions to various fields of science of individual women from around the world!

This brand-new series highlights some of the major contributions women have made in the world of science.

From studying stars and discovering comets to flying into space as pioneering astronauts, women have been central to learning about space. Female astronomers gave us our first understanding of how large the universe really is and how much matter it contains. They were key to designing humans' first rocket-powered flights into space. And as soon as women could go into space themselves, they were eager to do so: some 65 women have now become space travelers. This book tells their stories and describes their vital contributions.


From studying the stars to curing disease, understanding plants and animals, pioneering computer studies, and unraveling the secrets of atoms and molecules, women have played a vital role in scientific advances since the ancient world. Yet their contributions have often gone unrecognized or, worse, have been credited to others. With lively text, photography, and art, Super SHEroes of Science sets out to redress the balance and give credit where it's due. It examines the contributions to various fields of science of individual women from around the world!

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    4 - 5

  • School Library Journal

    April 1, 2022

    Gr 3-5-These six engaging volumes explore the professional lives and work of female scientists. Each title focuses on four women, with brief synopses of other women noted in the respective fields. Readers learn of Crimean War nurse Mary Seacole, botanist Janaki Ammal, mathematician Katherine Johnson, volcanologist Katia Krafft, dishwasher inventor Josephine Cochrane, and the first computer programmer, Ada Lovelace. Little about their personal lives is shared-the emphasis is primarily on their work, such as Marie Curie's tireless hours spent obtaining radioactive materials from the radium containing mineral pitchblende and Ada Lovelace's development of a computer program. Women of color are represented in these titles: for instance, Marie Van Brittan Brown, inventor of the first home security system, and Alice Ball, who developed an early cure for leprosy, are featured. The books present lesser-known female scientists and inventors, such as Annie Easley and Andrea Ghez, alongside famous women like Marie Curie and Hedy Lamarr. Also included are more contemporary figures, such as Sarah Gilbert, a member of the team that developed the first COVID-19 vaccine. Photographs and illustrations of the subjects' works are interspersed with the text. Though far from comprehensive, these narratives nonetheless provide interesting and informative introductions to scientific women of note. Readers will be encouraged to learn more. VERDICT Suitable introductions to important women of science. These volumes should be considered by selectors.

    Copyright 2022 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    August 1, 2022
    Grades 3-5 The collective biographies of the Super SHEroes of Science series (6 titles) highlight women--including many women of color--who have made significant contributions to STEM fields. The themed volumes kick off with four extended biographies that span several pages apiece, followed by eight mini-bios that offer snapshots of additional trailblazers. Colorful page backgrounds, frequent photos and digital illustrations, and short paragraphs of text (surrounded by spacious margins) make these books inviting for youngsters. In addition to fact boxes, there are periodic questions directed at the reader--such as, "How do you think you could use math to help other people?"--that prompt self-reflection and engagement with the text. Exploring Space focuses on astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt, mathematician Katherine Johnson, astronaut Stephanie Wilson, and astrophysicist Andrea Ghez. An illustrated time line, a map pinpointing where each scientist worked, and inspirational quotes wrap up each volume.


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    Scholastic Inc.
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Exploring Space
Exploring Space
Women Who Led the Way
Nancy Dickmann
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