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The 2-Hour Job Search
Cover of The 2-Hour Job Search
The 2-Hour Job Search
Using Technology to Get the Right Job Faster
Use the latest technology to target potential employers and secure the first interview—no matter your experience, education, or network—with these revised and updated tools and recommendations.
“The most practical, stress-free guide ever written for finding a white-collar job.”—Dan Heath, coauthor of Switch and Made to Stick
Technology has changed not only the way we do business, but also the way we look for work. The 2-Hour Job Search rejects laundry lists of conventional wisdom in favor of a streamlined job search approach that produces results quickly and efficiently. In three steps, creator Steve Dalton shows you how to select, prioritize, and make contact with potential employers so you can land that critical first interview.
In this revised second edition, you'll find updated advice on how to efficiently surf online job postings, how to reach out to contacts at your dream workplace and when to follow up, and advice on using LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google to your best advantage. Dalton incorporates ideas from leading thinkers in behavioral economics, psychology, and game theory, as well as success stories from readers of the first edition.
The 2-Hour Job Search method has proven so successful that it has been shared at schools across the globe and is a formal part of the curriculum for all first-year MBAs at Duke University. With this book, you'll learn how to make it work for you too.
Use the latest technology to target potential employers and secure the first interview—no matter your experience, education, or network—with these revised and updated tools and recommendations.
“The most practical, stress-free guide ever written for finding a white-collar job.”—Dan Heath, coauthor of Switch and Made to Stick
Technology has changed not only the way we do business, but also the way we look for work. The 2-Hour Job Search rejects laundry lists of conventional wisdom in favor of a streamlined job search approach that produces results quickly and efficiently. In three steps, creator Steve Dalton shows you how to select, prioritize, and make contact with potential employers so you can land that critical first interview.
In this revised second edition, you'll find updated advice on how to efficiently surf online job postings, how to reach out to contacts at your dream workplace and when to follow up, and advice on using LinkedIn, Indeed, and Google to your best advantage. Dalton incorporates ideas from leading thinkers in behavioral economics, psychology, and game theory, as well as success stories from readers of the first edition.
The 2-Hour Job Search method has proven so successful that it has been shared at schools across the globe and is a formal part of the curriculum for all first-year MBAs at Duke University. With this book, you'll learn how to make it work for you too.
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  • From the book Introduction

    Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. —ALDOUS HUXLEY

    I’ve heard numerous theories for why the job search is so difficult these days: unresponsive employers, an uncertain economy, outsourcing, nepotism, poor work ethic, too much reality TV. During my decade and a half as a senior career coach and programming director at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, I’ve helped people of all backgrounds, professions, and ages through the job search process, and I attribute its difficulty to something else entirely—technology.

    Technology has made our lives easier in so many ways, but it has only complicated the modern-day job search. Before internet job postings grew in popularity circa 2000, the job search was a simple (though tedious) process:

    STEP 1 (OPTIONAL). Find classified ads in newspaper.
    STEP 2. Mail resume and cover letter to potential employers.
    STEP 3. Wait for invitations to interview.

    That doesn’t sound so bad, right? Ship out resumes and cover letters, and whoever is interested writes you back. Very straightforward. And, believe it or not, it actually worked! Of course, those with connections to the potential employer still fared best, not having to rely on a piece of paper to make their first impression for them; however, cold calls by phone or mail were often all it would take to get an interview.

    Fast-forward a couple of decades. The internet’s in full swing, websites find relevant job postings for you, and resumes can be submitted online at any hour of the day. Although it’s easier than ever before to find jobs, why does it now seem so much harder to actually get one? In short, technology made applying for jobs so efficient that hiring became inefficient.

    Technology effectively ruined the “mail and wait” job search strategy because it is now far more difficult for employers to pick out the few interesting applicants from the massive new influx of casual applicants.

    Applying for jobs used to require significant time and energy to search classified ads in your local paper, type and print cover letters and resumes (or CVs, depending on your profession and part of the world—I use the terms interchangeably in this book) on nice paper, and package them up in envelopes for mailing. Not everyone had that kind of spare time and energy (or money for that matter—stationery and postage weren’t cheap!), and applying to any job required at least a minimal amount of research—heading to the library to find an address to mail your CV to, for example.

    With the internet, applying for a job can take less than a minute. Google a potential employer’s name, click on the careers section of their website, and submit your information and resume. Done. When it’s that easy, anyone can do it—and everyone does. Thus recruiters who, before internet job postings, used to get a dozen or so applications in several weeks from mostly local candidates, now get hundreds or thousands from across the country within hours.

    Who has time to read hundreds of CVs? Recruiters today read resumes the way most of us read websites—ignoring a majority of what’s on the page and skipping to the headlines of greatest interest—in the case of resumes, that usually means objective information like schools attended, previous employers, and job titles, if that.

    That’s if hiring managers actually look at CVs received online in the first place. My students commonly describe online job postings as black holes, and I...
About the Author-
  • Steve Dalton, MBA, is a senior career consultant and associate director at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business and the author of The 2-Hour Job Search. Prior to entering the career service industry, Steve was an associate marketing manager at General Mills.
  • Dan Heath, coauthor of Switch and Made to Stick Praise for The 2-Hour Job Search:
    "This is the most practical, stress-free guide ever written for finding a white-collar job. Dalton has somehow managed to squeeze all the anxiety out of the job-hunting process. Simply put: If you need a job, you need this book."
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    Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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The 2-Hour Job Search
The 2-Hour Job Search
Using Technology to Get the Right Job Faster
Steve Dalton
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