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Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Cover of Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
The Trials of Morrigan Crow
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Morrigan Crow is cursed. Having been born on Eventide, the unluckiest day for any child to be born, she's blamed for all local misfortunes. But worst of all, the curse means that Morrigan is doomed to die at midnight on her 11th birthday. But as Morrigan awaits her fate, a strange and remarkable man named Jupiter North appears and whisks her away into the safety of a secret, magical city called Nevermoor...
Morrigan Crow is cursed. Having been born on Eventide, the unluckiest day for any child to be born, she's blamed for all local misfortunes. But worst of all, the curse means that Morrigan is doomed to die at midnight on her 11th birthday. But as Morrigan awaits her fate, a strange and remarkable man named Jupiter North appears and whisks her away into the safety of a secret, magical city called Nevermoor...
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  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from July 31, 2017
    First in a series, Townsend’s spellbinding debut introduces Morrigan Crow, a cursed girl from the Wintersea Republic, who brings bad luck to everyone she meets and is destined to die at midnight on her 11th birthday. The Hunt of Smoke and Shadow, a terrifying shadowy entity, is poised to kill Morrigan when a mysterious man named Jupiter North spirits her away to Nevermoor, an independent, magically warded city where the Hunt cannot travel. Jupiter belongs to the elite group called the Wundrous Society, and he wants to sponsor Morrigan’s membership. She doubts that she will pass the four entrance trials—particularly since she’ll be battling 500 singularly talented children for one of nine available spots—but she agrees to try: without Society membership, the Nevermoor police will deport Morrigan back to Wintersea, where the Hunt is waiting. Morrigan is a captivating heroine, filled with moxie and wit, whose unexpected second chance at life gives her the opportunity to discover who she truly is. Whimsical worldbuilding, humorous dialogue, and colorful supporting characters complement an adventurous, magic-filled plot that champions bravery, self-confidence, and hope. Ages 8–12. Agent: Gemma Cooper, Bent Agency.

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Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Jessica Townsend
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