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Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Cover of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Frameworks for Practice
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Written by leading clinicians and research experts in the fields of child development and psychopathology, this book is an authoritative and up to date guide for psychologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians and other professionals working with vulnerable children. The opening chapters outline neurobiological, genetic, familial and cultural influences upon child development, especially those fostering children's resilience and emotional wellbeing. Discussion of the acquisition of social and emotional developmental competencies leads on to reviews of child psychopathology, clinical diagnoses, assessment and intervention.

Developed with busy professionals and trainees in mind, it is comprehensively yet concisely written, using visual aids to help the reader absorb information rapidly and easily. This book is an essential purchase for those working or training in all clinical and community child settings.

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Written by leading clinicians and research experts in the fields of child development and psychopathology, this book is an authoritative and up to date guide for psychologists, psychiatrists, paediatricians and other professionals working with vulnerable children. The opening chapters outline neurobiological, genetic, familial and cultural influences upon child development, especially those fostering children's resilience and emotional wellbeing. Discussion of the acquisition of social and emotional developmental competencies leads on to reviews of child psychopathology, clinical diagnoses, assessment and intervention.

Developed with busy professionals and trainees in mind, it is comprehensively yet concisely written, using visual aids to help the reader absorb information rapidly and easily. This book is an essential purchase for those working or training in all clinical and community child settings.

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About the Author-
  • Dr David Skuse is Professor of Behavioural and Brain Sciences at the UCL Institute of Child Health, and an Honorary Consultant in Developmental Neuropsychiatry. He runs the National Centre for High Functioning Autism at Great Ormond Street Hospital, a diagnostic service offering best practice treatment plans for children referred by other clinicians. Professor Skuse's main research interests include complex social communication disorders (autism spectrum conditions), and individual differences in cooperative styles of behaviour that could be influenced by genetic variation. His research focuses on psychiatric endophenotypes - cognitive, behavioural and neurophysiological indicators of dysfunctional biological processes in children and adolescents who are vulnerable to psychiatric disorders, and Professor Skuse is internationally known for his work in these fields.

    Dr Helen Bruce, is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist for East London NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. She is also and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Child Health. She has been a Consultant Psychiatrist since 1992 and has worked as a Consultant in acute and low secure settings. Her particular interests in Adult Psychiatry are Psychiatric Intensive Care and Court Diversion. She was the Consultant responsible for a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit and Court Diversion Scheme for six years. Dr Bruce then undertook further training at the Royal London/Great Ormond Street SPR training scheme to be dual accredited in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, which she completed in December 2002. She has worked in East London since then as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, first for North East London Mental Health Trust and then in her current post at the Emanuel Miller Centre since 2004. She has a particular interest in transition issues at the interface between Child Mental Health Services and Adult Services, Parental Mental Health and in Medical Education.

    Dr Linda Dowdney, Ph.D. (Psychology), M.A. (Developmental Psychology), M.Phil (Clinical Psychology) is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, and also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Child Health. She is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Dr Dowdney moved into research following her training in developmental psychology at Columbia University. As part of her research PhD, she developed an observational scheme for assessing the parenting skills of a group of women raised in institutions. Clinically trained at the Institute of Psychiatry, she worked with children and families in a variety of community and hospital settings both in inner and outer London areas, becoming head of Child and Adolescent Psychology at Queen Mary's Hospital for Children, Carshalton. Subsequently, Dr Dowdney became a Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey where she was director of the Clinical Psychology doctoral training course and a member of the BPS Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology. Dr Dowdney's clinical and research interests have centred on parenting skills, failure to thrive and childhood bereavement, and she has national and international publications in these areas. She was a founding editor of the journal Child Psychology & Psychiatry Review (now renamed Child and Adolescent Mental Health).

    Dr David A. Mrazek, M.D., F.R.C. Psych. Is a Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. Dr. Mrazek has initiated a psychiatric pharmacogenomic research program and implemented clinical psy...

Table of Contents-
  • List of Contributors vii

    Preface xi

    Section 1: Developing Competencies.

    1a: Contextual Influences upon Social and Emotional Development.

    1. Family and Systemic Influences 3
    Barbara Maughan

    2. Sibling Influences 8
    Judy Dunn

    3. Culture and Child Development 13
    Ruma Bose and Sanjida Sattar

    4. Neurobehavioural Development in Infancy 18
    Cindy H. Liu and Ed Tronick

    5. Genetic and Biological Influences 23
    David Skuse

    1b: General Patterns of Development.

    6. Clinical Evaluation of Development fromBirth to Five Years 32
    Ajay Sharma and Tony O'Sullivan

    7. Early Social and Emotional Experience Matters: The First Year of Life 41
    Howard Steele

    8. Language Development 45
    Thomas Klee and Stephanie F. Stokes

    9. Development of Social Cognition 51
    Virginia Slaughter

    10. Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood 56
    Alan Carr

    11. Social-Cognitive Development During Adolescence 62
    Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

    Section 2: Promoting Well-Being.

    12. Promoting Infant Mental Health 68
    Christine Puckering

    13. Promoting Children'sWell-Being 72
    Paul Stallard

    14. Fostering Resilience in Adolescents 78
    Angela Veale

    Section 3: Attachment and Separation

    15. Attachment Theory: Research and Clinical Implications 85
    Pasco Fearon

    16. Children Bereaved by Parent or Sibling Death 92
    Linda Dowdney

    17. Adoption and Fostering 100
    Jill Hodges

    Section 4: The Impact of Trauma and Maltreatment.

    18. Stress and Reactions to Stress in Children 107
    Guinevere Tufnell

    19. Child Maltreatment 114
    Danya Glaser

    20. The Neuroscience and Genetics of Childhood Maltreatment 121
    Eamon McCrory, Stephane A. De Brito, and Essi Viding

    Section 5: Atypical Development.

    5a: Infancy and Early Childhood.

    21. Feeding and Eating Disorders in Infancy and Childhood 128
    Rachel Bryant-Waugh

    22. Literacy Disorders 134
    Valerie Muter and Margaret J. Snowling

    5b: Middle Childhood.

    23. Autism Spectrum Disorders 141
    Tony Charman

    24. Somatization and Somatoform Disorders 147
    Elena Garralda

    25. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 153
    Anita Thapar and Antonio Munoz-Solomando

    26. Challenges in Child and Adolescent Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 161
    Elaine Chung and Isobel Heyman

    27. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents 169
    Aaron Vallance and Elena Garralda

    28. Childhood Behavioural Disorders 175
    Graeme Lamb

    29. Specific Language Impairment 180
    Gina Conti-Ramsden and Kevin Durkin

    5c: Adolescence.

    30. Depression and Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents 187
    Julia Gledhill and Matthew Hodes

    31. Eating Disorders in Adolescence 194
    Dasha Nicholls

    32. Substance Misuse in Young People 201
    K.A.H. Mirza, Roshin M. Sudesh, and Sudeshni Mirza

    33. Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder 210
    Anthony James

    34. Emerging Personality Disorder 217
    Eileen Vizard

    Section 6: Assessment.

    35. Diagnostic Classification: Current Dilemmas and Possible Solutions 224
    Eric Taylor

    36. Paediatric Neuropsychological Assessment I: An...

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health, May 2012 "This review would suggest that it would be useful for students and advanced trainees in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, pediatrics, or other disciplines that require a solid grounding in child development. Active practitioners will also find it useful in updating their knowledge base with a user-friendly reference book". (Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, October 2012)

    "This timely second edition should prove an accessible and valuable reference for experienced professionals in child and adolescent mental health by providing excellent updates on topics that are not always well covered in standard text books."
  • The British Journal of Psychiatry, February 2012 "..Mutter & Snowling provide a first-rate account of literacy disorders that includes both dyslexia and reading comprehension disorder. Conti-Ramsden & Durkin's chapter on specific language impairment is an elegant summary of the topic. Early-onset bipolar disorder by James is an admirable account of the current state of knowledge on the subject, and Taylor's chapter on diagnostic classification describes the issues facing child and adolescent psychiatry masterfully and is opportune at a moment when DSM and ICD are going through revisions. For these chapters alone, the book is worth buying. A strength of the book is that the 46 short chapters provide something for everyone practising child psychology and psychiatry."
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Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Frameworks for Practice
David Skuse
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