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Cover of MatchUp
by Lee Child
This "highly recommended" (Publishers Weekly, starred review) collection edited by New York Times bestselling author Lee Child pairs the beloved characters of twenty-two internationally bestselling writers in "a must-read for fans of the thriller genre" (The Real Book Spy).
The incredible follow-up to FaceOff features twenty-two of the world's bestselling and critically acclaimed thriller writers pairing their series characters in an eleven-story anthology curated by the International Thriller Writers (ITW). MatchUp takes the never-before-seen bestseller pairings of FaceOff and adds a delicious new twist: gender. "Think Dancing With the Stars, but with mysteries" (Booklist) as eleven of the world's best female thriller writers from Diana Gabaldon to Kathy Reichs to Charlaine Harris are paired with eleven of the world's best male thriller writers, including John Sandford, C.J. Box, and Nelson DeMille, among others. "This box holds a chocolate or two that will be to everyone's liking" (Kirkus Reviews).

In these innovative stories, their beloved protagonists, Lee Coburn, Joe Pickett, and Jack Reacher—just to name a few—team up to unnerve and satisfy thriller fans worldwide. All of the contributors are ITW members, and the project is edited by ITW member and #1 New York Times bestselling author Lee Child. The lineup includes:

Sandra Brown's Lee Coburn vs. C. J. Box's Joe Pickett
Val McDermid's Tony Hill vs. Peter James's Roy Grace
Kathy Reichs's Temperance Brennan vs. Lee Child's Jack Reacher
Diana Gabaldon's Jamie Fraser vs. Steve Berry's Cotton Malone
Gayle Lynds's Liz Sansborough vs. David Morrell's Rambo
Karin Slaughter's Jeffrey Tolliver vs. Michael Koryta's Joe Pritchard
Charlaine Harris's Harper Connelly vs. Andrew Gross's Ty Hauck
Lisa Jackson's Regan Pescoli vs. John Sandford's Virgil Flower
Lara Adrian's Lucan Thorne vs. Christopher Rice's Lilliane
Lisa Scottoline's Bennie Rosato vs. Nelson DeMille's John Corey
J.A. Jance's Ali Reynolds vs. Eric Van Lustbader's Bravo Shaw
This "highly recommended" (Publishers Weekly, starred review) collection edited by New York Times bestselling author Lee Child pairs the beloved characters of twenty-two internationally bestselling writers in "a must-read for fans of the thriller genre" (The Real Book Spy).
The incredible follow-up to FaceOff features twenty-two of the world's bestselling and critically acclaimed thriller writers pairing their series characters in an eleven-story anthology curated by the International Thriller Writers (ITW). MatchUp takes the never-before-seen bestseller pairings of FaceOff and adds a delicious new twist: gender. "Think Dancing With the Stars, but with mysteries" (Booklist) as eleven of the world's best female thriller writers from Diana Gabaldon to Kathy Reichs to Charlaine Harris are paired with eleven of the world's best male thriller writers, including John Sandford, C.J. Box, and Nelson DeMille, among others. "This box holds a chocolate or two that will be to everyone's liking" (Kirkus Reviews).

In these innovative stories, their beloved protagonists, Lee Coburn, Joe Pickett, and Jack Reacher—just to name a few—team up to unnerve and satisfy thriller fans worldwide. All of the contributors are ITW members, and the project is edited by ITW member and #1 New York Times bestselling author Lee Child. The lineup includes:

Sandra Brown's Lee Coburn vs. C. J. Box's Joe Pickett
Val McDermid's Tony Hill vs. Peter James's Roy Grace
Kathy Reichs's Temperance Brennan vs. Lee Child's Jack Reacher
Diana Gabaldon's Jamie Fraser vs. Steve Berry's Cotton Malone
Gayle Lynds's Liz Sansborough vs. David Morrell's Rambo
Karin Slaughter's Jeffrey Tolliver vs. Michael Koryta's Joe Pritchard
Charlaine Harris's Harper Connelly vs. Andrew Gross's Ty Hauck
Lisa Jackson's Regan Pescoli vs. John Sandford's Virgil Flower
Lara Adrian's Lucan Thorne vs. Christopher Rice's Lilliane
Lisa Scottoline's Bennie Rosato vs. Nelson DeMille's John Corey
J.A. Jance's Ali Reynolds vs. Eric Van Lustbader's Bravo Shaw
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About the Author-
  • Lee Child, previously a television director, union organizer, theater technician, and law student, was fired and on the dole when he hatched a harebrained scheme to write a bestselling novel, thus saving his family from ruin. Killing Floor went on to win worldwide acclaim. The Midnight Line, is his twenty-second Reacher novel. The hero of his series, Jack Reacher, besides being fictional, is a kindhearted soul who allows Lee lots of spare time for reading, listening to music, and watching Yankees and Aston Villa games. Lee was born in England but now lives in New York City and leaves the island of Manhattan only when required to by forces beyond his control. Visit Lee online at for more information about the novels, short stories, and the movies Jack Reacher and Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, starring Tom Cruise. Lee can also be found on Facebook: LeeChildOfficial, Twitter: @LeeChildReacher, and YouTube: LeeChildJackReacher.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from March 27, 2017
    Each of the 11 collaborative tales in this stellar sequel to the International Thriller Writers’ anthology FaceOff (2014) pairs a top-rank female thriller writer with a male counterpart. Sandra Brown’s Lee Coburn and C.J. Box’s Joe Pickett send testosterone levels soaring in “Honor &...”. British authors Val McDermid (known for Det. Chief Insp. Carol Jordan) and Peter James (Det. Supt. Roy Grace) match witticisms as they seek a foot fetishist criminal in “Footloose.” Child’s Jack Reacher’s past and Kathy Reich’s forensic expert Dr. Temperance Brennan’s present bring the two together in “Faking a Murderer.” In “Midnight Flame,” Lara Adrian’s vampire Lucan Thorne and Christopher Rice’s Lilliane meet in New Orleans in an adventure that threatens both their paranormal tribes. Other notable pairings include Diana Gabaldon (Jamie Fraser) and Steve Berry (Cotton Malone), Lisa Jackson (Regan Pescoli) and John Sandford (Virgil Flowers), and Gayle Lynds (Liz Sansborough) and David Morrell (Rambo). Child provides a brief, cogent intro to each selection. Highly recommended as entertainment, this anthology is a great place to start if you’ve not yet sampled some of these authors. Agent: Dan Conaway, Writers House.

  • Kirkus

    April 1, 2017
    Even readers who don't love short stories will find this anthology, starring some of the world's best-known thriller writers and most-loved characters, appealing and varied.Edited by Jack Reacher's creator, this book pairs male and female writers and asks them to come up with stories showcasing characters from both of their literary worlds. The latest in a series of anthologies that supports the organization International Thriller Writers (FaceOff, 2014, etc.), this book taps into the talents of some of the best in the genre. Lisa Jackson's Regan Pescoli teams up with John Sanford's immortal Virgil Flowers while Kathy Reichs and her Temperance Brennan combine forces with Reacher: this anthology is a treasure trove of likely and unlikely matches that somehow hit all the right notes. Although each reader will have personal preferences, the Karin Slaughter-Michael Koryta entry with a young Jeffrey Tolliver crossing paths with the team of Joe Pritchard and Lincoln Perry in a 1993 case takes home the gold with its witty asides, solid plot, and imaginative approach. As with most anthologies, some stories are more memorable than others, but there's not a "meh" tale in the bunch. Editor Child pulls back the curtain by prefacing each story with a short introduction explaining how the writers paired off and what their writing process entailed. This glimpse of the creative process reveals not only how the authors approached their tasks, but how some (such as Gayle Lynds and David Morrell) found inventive solutions that allowed them to combine characters who, under most circumstances, couldn't appear in the same tale. Other pairs add an unexpected touch of time travel (Diana Gabaldon and Steve Berry) as well as some paranormal activity (Lara Adrian and Christopher Rice) to the mix. This box holds a chocolate or two that will be to everyone's liking.

    COPYRIGHT(2017) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • School Library Journal

    March 1, 2018

    After the success of the International Thriller Writers' first short story anthology, FaceOff, the organization continues the series. Twenty-two best-selling authors are grouped into 11 male/female pairings, with each team crafting a work that stars both writers' well-known protagonists. Some of the combinations are more effective than others, such as a tale in which Child's Jack Reacher helps vindicate Kathy Reichs's Temperance Brennan in "Faking a Murderer." But some are a stretch. In "Past Prologue," Steve Berry's Cotton Malone falls through the stones of Diana Gabaldon's Outlanderworld to meet Jamie Fraser 10 years after the Scottish rebellion. Child introduces each piece with a description of the team's writing process. The authors have varying levels of experience with the short story format, and some had never collaborated with another writer before. The familiar characters will entice thriller fans, who may also meet new characters and authors. VERDICT Purchase where adult series thrillers are popular-this is a remarkably strong and exciting collection.-Sarah Hill, Lake Land College, Mattoon, IL

    Copyright 2018 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    May 1, 2017
    Think Dancing with the Stars, but with mysteries. In this 11-entry compilation, each story is by a duo of famous authors and features their most beloved characters. Thus, in one of the creepier stories, Val McDermid's Tony Hill and Peter James' Roy Grace find themselves working out the details behind a pair of feet and a footless body in Faking a Murderer; in another, Kathy Reichs' Temperance Brennan is accused of murder, and Lee Child's Jack Reacher steps in. Most of the stories are police procedurals with some action elements, depending on the author; the odd tales out are a time-traveling historical mystery and a supernatural story, which, in perhaps a something to please everyone effort, will make the collection a little less appealing to its core audience of procedural fans. Still, these authors enjoy a huge following in libraries, and patrons will scramble to read the collection, which offers some delicious pairings. No need to stretch for RA ideas here; the authors' previous works will send this one flying off the shelf.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2017, American Library Association.)

  • Library Journal

    February 1, 2017

    Following 2014's New York Times best-selling anthology FaceOff, this new anthology pairs top male and female writers for 11 distinctive stories. Included, for instance, is "Faking a Murderer," by Kathy Reichs and editor Child and featuring their beloved characters Temperance Brennan and Jack Reacher, respectively.

    Copyright 2017 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Library Journal

    Starred review from May 1, 2017

    This follow-up to the best-selling anthology FaceOff, which teamed male thriller writers, switches it up by pairing male and female authors and their series protagonists. This fresh approach exposes favorite characters in a new light. Child's insight to each story paints a picture of the writing process and joint effort to meld two characters into a smooth partnership. Child reveals how Sandra Brown admitted that she was "short story challenged" when she embarked on writing "Honor in..." with C.J. Box. However, the authors found common ground for their characters in the Wyoming setting. Kathy Reich's Temperance Brennan and Child's Jack Reacher meet in "Faking a Murderer." When Temperance is immediately implicated in a murder of a reporter, who else but Jack would show up to investigate what seems to be an open-and-shut case? VERDICT This fun format offers the best of both worlds, matching up favorite thriller characters within the intense confines of a short story.--Susan Carr, Edwardsville P.L., IL

    Copyright 2017 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Library Journal

    May 15, 2017

    The International Thriller Writers's new short story anthology has top authors this time pairing their male and female series characters. Reading about our favorite protagonists should be entertaining, assuming they play well together. (LJ 5/1/17)

    Copyright 2017 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2017

    This follow-up to the best-selling anthology FaceOff, which teamed male thriller writers, switches it up by pairing male and female authors and their series protagonists. This fresh approach exposes favorite characters in a new light. Child's insight to each story paints a picture of the writing process and joint effort to meld two characters into a smooth partnership. Child reveals how Sandra Brown admitted that she was "short story challenged" when she embarked on writing "Honor in..." with C.J. Box. However, the authors found common ground for their characters in the Wyoming setting. Kathy Reich's Temperance Brennan and Child's Jack Reacher meet in "Faking a Murderer." When Temperance is immediately implicated in a murder of a reporter, who else but Jack would show up to investigate what seems to be an open-and-shut case? VERDICT This fun format offers the best of both worlds, matching up favorite thriller characters within the intense confines of a short story.--Susan Carr, Edwardsville P.L., IL

    Copyright 2017 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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