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Brain Injury Medicine
Cover of Brain Injury Medicine
Brain Injury Medicine
Principles and Practice
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Brain Injury Medicine - which includes free ebook access with every print purchase - is a clear and comprehensive guide to all aspects of the management of traumatic brain injury-from early diagnosis and evaluation through the post-acute period and rehabilitation. An essential reference for physicians and other health care professionals who work with patients with brain injury, the book focuses on assessment and treatment of the wider variety of clinical problems these patients face and addresses many associated concerns such as epidemiology, ethical issues, legal issues, and life-care planning. Written by over 190 acknowledged leaders, the text covers the full spectrum of the practice of brain injury medicine including principles of neural recovery, neuroimaging and neurodiagnostic testing, prognosis and outcome, acute care, rehabilitation, treatment of specific populations, neurologic and other medical problems following injury, cognitive and behavioral problems, post-trauma pain disorders, pharmacologic and alternative treatments, and community reentry and productivity.

Brain Injury Medicine, 2nd Edition Features:

  • The acknowledged gold standard reference-brings together knowledge, experience, and evidence-based medicine
  • Comprehensive and current-completely revised, updated, and expanded to include emerging topics and the latest clinical and research advances
  • Multi-disciplinary focus-expert authorship from a wide range of specialties promotes a holistic team approach to a complex, many-faceted condition
  • Covers the entire continuum of care from early diagnosis and assessment through acute management, rehabilitation, associated medical and quality of life issues, and functional outcomes
  • New to the Second Edition:

  • Three new Associate Editors from related disciplines provide added expertise
  • Five new sections: acute rehabilitative care, pediatric TBI, special senses, autonomic and other organ system problems, post-trauma pain disorders
  • 25 new chapters running the gamut from health policy to biomechanics, to military TBI to pediatric issues and more
  • Print + Digital Access: Purchase price includes enhanced e-book containing the complete and fully searchable text plus additional digital-only content
  • Brain Injury Medicine - which includes free ebook access with every print purchase - is a clear and comprehensive guide to all aspects of the management of traumatic brain injury-from early diagnosis and evaluation through the post-acute period and rehabilitation. An essential reference for physicians and other health care professionals who work with patients with brain injury, the book focuses on assessment and treatment of the wider variety of clinical problems these patients face and addresses many associated concerns such as epidemiology, ethical issues, legal issues, and life-care planning. Written by over 190 acknowledged leaders, the text covers the full spectrum of the practice of brain injury medicine including principles of neural recovery, neuroimaging and neurodiagnostic testing, prognosis and outcome, acute care, rehabilitation, treatment of specific populations, neurologic and other medical problems following injury, cognitive and behavioral problems, post-trauma pain disorders, pharmacologic and alternative treatments, and community reentry and productivity.

    Brain Injury Medicine, 2nd Edition Features:

  • The acknowledged gold standard reference-brings together knowledge, experience, and evidence-based medicine
  • Comprehensive and current-completely revised, updated, and expanded to include emerging topics and the latest clinical and research advances
  • Multi-disciplinary focus-expert authorship from a wide range of specialties promotes a holistic team approach to a complex, many-faceted condition
  • Covers the entire continuum of care from early diagnosis and assessment through acute management, rehabilitation, associated medical and quality of life issues, and functional outcomes
  • New to the Second Edition:

  • Three new Associate Editors from related disciplines provide added expertise
  • Five new sections: acute rehabilitative care, pediatric TBI, special senses, autonomic and other organ system problems, post-trauma pain disorders
  • 25 new chapters running the gamut from health policy to biomechanics, to military TBI to pediatric issues and more
  • Print + Digital Access: Purchase price includes enhanced e-book containing the complete and fully searchable text plus additional digital-only content
  • Available formats-
    • OverDrive Read
    • EPUB eBook
    • Available:
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    About the Author-
    • David B. Arciniegas, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine

    Table of Contents-
    • Part I: PERSPECTIVES ON REHABILITATIVE CARE AND RESEARCH: 1. Clinical Continuum of Care and Natural History, Douglas I. Katz, Nathan D. Zasler, and Ross D. Zafonte; 2. History of Acute Care and Rehabilitation of Head Injury, Graham Teasdale and George Zitnay; 3. Health Policy: U.S. and International Perspectives, Jean E. BÈrubÈ; and Lynne Turner-Stokes; 4. International Systems of Care and Research Agendas, Olli Tenuvuo, M. Ross Bullock, and Ross D. Zafonte; 5. Education, Training, and Certification for Health Care Providers, Margaret A. Turk, Dominic A. Carone, and Joanne Scandale; 6. Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities Accreditation for Brain Injury Programs, Christine M. MacDonell; 7. Conducting Research in Traumatic Brain Injury: Current Concept and Issues, Amy K. Wagner; 8. Epidemiology and Public Health Issues, Victor G. Coronado, Lisa C. McGuire, Mark Faul, David E. Sugerman, and William S. Pearson; 9. Primary Prevention, Lee M. Kneer and Elie P. Elovic; Part II: BIOMECHANICS, PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, AND NEURAL RECOVERY: 10. Biomechanics, David C. Viano; 11. Pathobiology of Primary Traumatic Brain Injury, Shoji Yokobori and M. Ross Bullock; 12. Pathobiology of Secondary Brain Injury, Patrick M. Kochanek, Robert S.B. Clark, and Larry W. Jenkins; 13. Concepts of Nervous System Plasticity and Their Implications for Recovery After Brain Damage, Donald G. Stein; 14. Experimental Therapeutic Approaches for Traumatic Brain Injury, Anthony E. Kline, Jeffrey P. Cheng, and C. Edward Dixon; Part III: NEUROIMAGING AND NEURODIAGNOSTIC TESTING: 15. Structural Neuroimaging, Esther L. Yuh and Alisa D. Gean; 16. Functional Neuroimaging, Joseph H. Ricker, Patricia M. Arenth, and Amy K. Wagner; 17. Electrophysiologic Techniques, Marine Vernet, Shahid Bashir, Syed Faaiz Enam, Hatice Kumru, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone; Part IV: PROGNOSIS AND OUTCOME: 18. Prognosis: A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach, Sunil Kothari and Craig DiTommaso; 19. Neuroimaging Correlates of Functional Outcome, Erin D. Bigler and William L. Maxwell; 20. Functional Assessment in Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Marcel P.J.M. Dijkers and Brian D. Greenwald; 21. Life Expectancy and Wellness, Cynthia L. Harrison-Felix, Lenore A. Hawley, Allen W. Brown, and Michael J. DeVivo; Part V: ACUTE CARE: 22. Prehospital Assessment and Care, Holly E. Hinson and Geoffrey S.F. Ling; 23. Critical Care, Samson Sujit Kumar Gaddam and Claudia S. Robertson; 24. The Surgical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury, Peter S. Amenta and Jack I. Jallo; 25. Development of Acute Care Guidelines and Effect on Outcome, Jose J. Sanchez, David E. Kahn, and M. Ross Bullock; 26. Acute Rehabilitation, Cindy B. Ivanhoe; 27. Neurorehabilitation Nursing, Mary Goonan, Melinda Kahn, and Harriet Straus; Part VI: SPECIAL TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY POPULATIONS: 28. The Older Adult, Jaime Levine and Steven R. Flanagan; 29. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Grant L. Iverson, Rael T. Lange, Michael Gaetz, and Nathan D. Zasler; 30. Conceptualizing Outcome From Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Grant L. Iverson, Noah Silverberg, Rael T. Lange, and Nathan D. Zasler; 31. Sports-Related Concussion, Michael W. Collins, Grant L. Iverson, William P. Meehan III, Michael Gaetz, and Mark L. Lovell; 32. Assessment and...
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    Brain Injury Medicine
    Principles and Practice
    David B. Arciniegas
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