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Management Mess to Leadership Success
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Management Mess to Leadership Success
30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow (Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author, Leadership Mentoring & Coaching)
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Take The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to an Entirely New Level with Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author and 23 Year FranklinCovey Vetern, Scott Jeffrey Miller

"With laugh-out-loud humor and unconventional wisdom, Management Mess to Leadership Success will provide you with the tools to become the leader you would choose to follow." —Karen Dillon Author of The Harvard Business Review Guide to Office Politics

Winner of Bookpal's 2019 Outstanding Works of Literature (O.W.L) award in Leadership! Forbes Holiday Wish List.

Your Leadership Skills Are About to Change. Millions have read the all-time global best seller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Both leaders and individuals have been inspired and transformed by its universal principles of effectiveness, including Scott Jeffrey Miller.

Scott Miller knows what it's like to fail. He was demoted from his first leadership position after only three weeks—and that's just one of several messy management experiences on his two-decade journey to leadership success. Everyone fails. But something sets Scott apart: transparency and willingness to openly share his story in a way that is forthright, relatable, and applicable.

You can become a better leader. In Miller's Management Mess to Leadership Success you'll find 30 leadership challenges that can, when applied, change the way you manage yourself, lead others, and produce results. The wisdom in Scott's book was learned through hard knocks and was honed by Stephen R. Covey and the FranklinCovey team through years of research and corporate training experience.

Learn to:

  • Lead difficult conversations, celebrate success
  • Inspire trust, actively listen, challenge paradigms
  • Put the right people in the right roles
  • Create a clear and actionable team vision
  • Get the right results―in the right way
  • Fans of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People who have read and liked Radical Candor, Dare to Lead, or Mastering Leadership will love Scott Miller's Management Mess to Leadership Success.

    Take The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to an Entirely New Level with Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author and 23 Year FranklinCovey Vetern, Scott Jeffrey Miller

    "With laugh-out-loud humor and unconventional wisdom, Management Mess to Leadership Success will provide you with the tools to become the leader you would choose to follow." —Karen Dillon Author of The Harvard Business Review Guide to Office Politics

    Winner of Bookpal's 2019 Outstanding Works of Literature (O.W.L) award in Leadership! Forbes Holiday Wish List.

    Your Leadership Skills Are About to Change. Millions have read the all-time global best seller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Both leaders and individuals have been inspired and transformed by its universal principles of effectiveness, including Scott Jeffrey Miller.

    Scott Miller knows what it's like to fail. He was demoted from his first leadership position after only three weeks—and that's just one of several messy management experiences on his two-decade journey to leadership success. Everyone fails. But something sets Scott apart: transparency and willingness to openly share his story in a way that is forthright, relatable, and applicable.

    You can become a better leader. In Miller's Management Mess to Leadership Success you'll find 30 leadership challenges that can, when applied, change the way you manage yourself, lead others, and produce results. The wisdom in Scott's book was learned through hard knocks and was honed by Stephen R. Covey and the FranklinCovey team through years of research and corporate training experience.

    Learn to:

  • Lead difficult conversations, celebrate success
  • Inspire trust, actively listen, challenge paradigms
  • Put the right people in the right roles
  • Create a clear and actionable team vision
  • Get the right results―in the right way
  • Fans of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People who have read and liked Radical Candor, Dare to Lead, or Mastering Leadership will love Scott Miller's Management Mess to Leadership Success.

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    About the Author-
    • Having been with FranklinCovey for 23 years, Scott Jeffrey Miller serves as the Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership. He is the host of On Leadership with Scott Miller, a weekly leadership webcast, podcast and newsletter featuring interviews with renowned business titans, authors and thought leaders . His radio show and podcast— Great Life, Great Career with Scott Miller on iHeart Media's KNRS 105.7—provides insight and strategies to assist listeners in becoming more effective as business leaders and to improve their personal performance.

      Miller has worked with thousands of clients and client facilitators in numerous markets in over 30 countries. He has presented to hundreds of audiences across every industry and loves to share his own, unique leadership journey in today's culture and world, which greatly value unfiltered leadership. Miller and his wife live in Salt Lake City, Utah with their three sons

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    Management Mess to Leadership Success
    Management Mess to Leadership Success
    30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow (Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author, Leadership Mentoring & Coaching)
    Scott Jeffrey Miller
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