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The Coming Storm
Cover of The Coming Storm
The Coming Storm
Music, myth, and horror blend in this romantic, "eerie...atmospheric" (Publishers Weekly) fantasy debut about a teen girl who must fight a powerful evil that's invaded her Prince Edward Island home—perfect for fans of An Enchantment of Ravens.
There's a certain wild magic in the salt air and the thrum of the sea. Beet MacNeill has known this all her life. It added spice to her childhood adventures with her older cousin, Gerry, the two of them thick as thieves as they explored their Prince Edward Island home. So when Gerry comes up the path one early spring morning, Beet thinks nothing of it at first. But he is soaking wet and silent, and he plays a haunting tune on his fiddle that chills Beet to the bone. Something is very, very wrong.

Things only get worse when Marina Shaw saunters into town and takes an unsettling interest in Gerry's new baby. Local lore is filled with tales of a vicious shape-shifting sea creature and the cold, beautiful woman who controls him—a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Marina. Beet is determined to find out what happened to her beloved cousin, and to prevent the same fate from befalling the handsome new boy in town who is winning her heart, whether she wants him to or not. Yet the sea always exacts a price...
Music, myth, and horror blend in this romantic, "eerie...atmospheric" (Publishers Weekly) fantasy debut about a teen girl who must fight a powerful evil that's invaded her Prince Edward Island home—perfect for fans of An Enchantment of Ravens.
There's a certain wild magic in the salt air and the thrum of the sea. Beet MacNeill has known this all her life. It added spice to her childhood adventures with her older cousin, Gerry, the two of them thick as thieves as they explored their Prince Edward Island home. So when Gerry comes up the path one early spring morning, Beet thinks nothing of it at first. But he is soaking wet and silent, and he plays a haunting tune on his fiddle that chills Beet to the bone. Something is very, very wrong.

Things only get worse when Marina Shaw saunters into town and takes an unsettling interest in Gerry's new baby. Local lore is filled with tales of a vicious shape-shifting sea creature and the cold, beautiful woman who controls him—a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Marina. Beet is determined to find out what happened to her beloved cousin, and to prevent the same fate from befalling the handsome new boy in town who is winning her heart, whether she wants him to or not. Yet the sea always exacts a price...
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    5 - 6

About the Author-
  • Regina M. Hansen was born on Prince Edward Island and grew up there, in Montreal, and in Boston. She teaches at Boston University and is also a contributor to The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Filmic Monsters. She has written regular articles for the nationally circulated children's magazine DIG into History, and her essays have also appeared in The Wall Street Journal Review and The Conversation. The Coming Storm is her first novel. Visit her at
  • Kirkus

    April 15, 2021
    Beatrice "Beet" MacNeill can see ghosts--but it's more than just spirits that have been haunting the small coastal town of Skinner Harbour. When Beet's cousin Gerry comes to her soaking wet on the night in 1949 when his son, Joseph, is being born, he's surrounded by the smell of roses and playing a ghostly melody on his fiddle. Beet realizes he's dead. She has heard many stories about the supernatural--her friend Jeannine is obsessed with them--but it wasn't until that night that Beet started believing them herself. Something strange is happening on Prince Edward Island. Old Sarah Campbell, Gerry's estranged mother, dies about a year later, and her beautiful and eerie niece, Marina Shaw, comes to town, putting baby Joseph and his mother in grave danger. When Marina tries to take Joseph away to live with her in Massachusetts, Beet and Jeannine work together with their friends and the local librarian to try to save both him and the island from Marina's sinister powers, the deadly pull of the water, and a legendary creature of the sea. This is a thoroughly enjoyable and suspenseful tale infused with Scottish immigrants' folklore. With storylines taking place in multiple decades spanning the 19th and 20th centuries and narration from various characters' points of view, the plot can occasionally be confusing to follow, but readers will be drawn in by the haunting atmosphere. Characters are cued as White. A captivating historical ghost story. (author's note) (Paranormal. 12-16)

    COPYRIGHT(2021) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    May 10, 2021
    In this leisurely paced narrative, Beatrice “Beet” MacNeill, 15, slowly begins to suspect that her Prince Edward Island community is being haunted by a sinister supernatural force after her cousin Gerry’s ghost appears to her upon his tragic drowning in 1949. A year later, following Gerry’s mother’s death, her elegant niece Marina Shaw comes to town, promptly taking a particular interest in Gerry’s son, Baby Joseph. Suspecting there’s more to Marina than meets the eye, Beet and her best friend Jeannine investigate, uncovering a strange pattern of drownings stretching back over a century amid sightings of a legendary kelpie. Beet’s first-person perspective proves immersive (“Lorsh, did Gerry turn red, seeing her! Made me laugh to kill myself”). Drawing upon maritime myth and Scottish folklore to weave an eerie story filled with magic and music, Hansen intertwines Beet’s narrative with historical flashbacks as the mystery unfolds. There’s a gentle subtlety to this atmospheric debut, with the ocean becoming a character of its own alongside presumed-white characters. Ages 12–up. Agent: David Dunton, Harvey Klinger.

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    Atheneum Books for Young Readers
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The Coming Storm
The Coming Storm
Regina M. Hansen
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