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Run Fast. Eat Slow.
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Run Fast. Eat Slow.
Nourishing Recipes for Athletes: A Cookbook
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Fuel up like New York City Marathon champion Shalane Flanagan.
Run Fast. Eat Slow. contains sound advice and delicious and nutritious recipes—finally a true runner's kitchen companion.”—Joan Benoit Samuelson, first-ever women’s Olympic marathon champion

From world-class marathoner and four-time Olympian Shalane Flanagan and chef Elyse Kopecky comes a whole foods, flavor-forward cookbook that proves food can be indulgent and nourishing at the same time. Finally here’s a cookbook for runners that shows fat is essential for flavor and performance and that counting calories, obsessing over protein, and restrictive dieting does more harm than good.
Packed with more than 100 recipes for every part of your day, mind-blowing nutritional wisdom, and inspiring stories from two fitness-crazed women that became fast friends over fifteen years ago, Run Fast. Eat Slow. has all the bases covered. You’ll find no shortage of delicious meals, satisfying snacks, thirst-quenching drinks, and wholesome treats—all made without refined sugar and flour. Fan favorites include Can’t Beet Me Smoothie, Arugula Cashew Pesto, High-Altitude Bison Meatballs, Superhero Muffins, Kale Radicchio Salad with Farro, and Double Chocolate Teff Cookies.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Fuel up like New York City Marathon champion Shalane Flanagan.
Run Fast. Eat Slow. contains sound advice and delicious and nutritious recipes—finally a true runner's kitchen companion.”—Joan Benoit Samuelson, first-ever women’s Olympic marathon champion

From world-class marathoner and four-time Olympian Shalane Flanagan and chef Elyse Kopecky comes a whole foods, flavor-forward cookbook that proves food can be indulgent and nourishing at the same time. Finally here’s a cookbook for runners that shows fat is essential for flavor and performance and that counting calories, obsessing over protein, and restrictive dieting does more harm than good.
Packed with more than 100 recipes for every part of your day, mind-blowing nutritional wisdom, and inspiring stories from two fitness-crazed women that became fast friends over fifteen years ago, Run Fast. Eat Slow. has all the bases covered. You’ll find no shortage of delicious meals, satisfying snacks, thirst-quenching drinks, and wholesome treats—all made without refined sugar and flour. Fan favorites include Can’t Beet Me Smoothie, Arugula Cashew Pesto, High-Altitude Bison Meatballs, Superhero Muffins, Kale Radicchio Salad with Farro, and Double Chocolate Teff Cookies.
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  • From the book As runners we are so focused on our immediate energy needs that we obsess over macronutrients and forget that not all proteins, fats, and carbs are created equal. The stress that running puts on the body means that to stay healthy, runners need more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than most. In a culture accustomed to processed foods, produce shipped from halfway around the world, and factory-farmed meats, it's more difficult than ever to fulfill our nutritional needs. As a result, runners everywhere are missing out on the nourishment their bodies need to thrive.

    The chance to teach endurance athletes like you how to nourish your body for the long run is what inspired us to pour our hearts into this book. We aren't suggesting you eat this way solely to crush your PR or to cross the finish line first. This book can help you do just that, but we're also looking past the finish line and aiming for lifelong health and happiness.

    Before you dive into our recipes, we want to impart some of our healthy- eating wisdom. For us, deciding what to eat, in order to eat well, has become second nature—a way of life. But to many of our fellow runners, our way of eating might at first sound foreign and daunting. Fear not. You're about to discover that our approach to maximizing nourishment so that your body can perform at its best puts flavor and fun at the forefront.

    We all know what "run fast" means, right? Get out there and kick some @#*! We want you to be able to do just that and more. In a broader sense, "run fast" means not just surviving but thriving in our insanely fast-paced lifestyles—lifestyles that don't seem conducive to having the time (or energy) to cook. We'll convince you otherwise!

    But what do we really mean by "eat slow"? It means so much more than simply taking the time to chew your food. It represents our way of eating that includes preparing nourishing meals from scratch, sitting down at a table instead of eating on the go, enjoying food in the company of friends and family, seeking out foods that were grown or raised with care, and tuning in to what our bodies need to thrive.


    Despite all the medical discoveries over the last 50 years, humankind is far from thriving. In fact, we are less healthy today than our grandparents. For the first time in history, children born today potentially have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. Occurrences of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and depression are at an all-time high. Studies show that unhealthy diets are a leading cause of these preventable diseases.

    Although runners are put on a pedestal as the epitome of health, we know all too well that runners and other endurance athletes are far from immune to these serious health issues. The convenience foods coveted by runners, including bars, gels, and sports drinks, not only lack real nutrition, but also are high in inflammatory foods like refined grains, processed sweeteners, industrial oils, and artificial ingredients.

    There are more than 600,000 food items in the marketplace today: 80 percent of them have added sugar, and the majority of packaged foods are nutrient poor and contain chemical additives. Scary, considering that for most Americans, packaged foods make up 70 percent of their diet.

    As a result of our reliance on nutrient-poor processed foods, the majority of Americans are overfed, undernourished, and running on empty. Refined foods provide mass without sustenance. For an athlete, running on empty can lead to immediate negative consequences and long-term health concerns.

    On top of this, runners are constantly bombarded with messages about weight...
About the Author-
  • Shalane Flanagan is the co-author of the New York Times bestseller Run Fast. Eat Slow. She is an Olympic silver medalist, 4-time Olympian, winner of the 2017 TCS New York City marathon, and multiple American record holder. She finished second in the 2010 NYC marathon and ran the fastest time ever by an American woman at the 2014 Boston Marathon. She has been running at an elite level for 14 years and typically runs 100-plus miles a week. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

    Elyse Kopecky
     is a chef, speaker, nutrition coach, and New York Times bestselling co-author of Run Fast. Eat Slow. The book features Elyse’s “indulgent nourishment” food philosophy for long-term health and happiness. She studied nutrition at the Natural Gourmet Institute, the nation’s top health-supportive culinary school. She lives in Bend, Oregon.
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Run Fast. Eat Slow.
Run Fast. Eat Slow.
Nourishing Recipes for Athletes: A Cookbook
Shalane Flanagan
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