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New Power
Cover of New Power
New Power
Why outsiders are winning, institutions are failing, and how the rest of us can keep up in the age of mass participation

For most of human history the rules of power were clear: power was something to be seized, and then jealously guarded. Under this 'Old Power' we lived in a world of rulers and subjects.
Now, we all sense that something has changed. From #MeToo to Harvey Weinstein; Corbyn to Trump; from YouTube sensations to darker phenomena such as the emergence of ISIS – in our new hyper-connected world, ideas and movements can spread and flourish with astonishing force and speed.
In New Power, Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms confront the biggest story of our age and trace how New Power is the key to understanding where we are and will prosper in the 21st Century.
Drawing on examples from business, politics, popular culture and social justice, as well as case studies of organisations like LEGO and TED, they explain the forces that are changing the course of our age.
In a world increasingly shaped by New Power, this book will show you how to shape your future.

For most of human history the rules of power were clear: power was something to be seized, and then jealously guarded. Under this 'Old Power' we lived in a world of rulers and subjects.
Now, we all sense that something has changed. From #MeToo to Harvey Weinstein; Corbyn to Trump; from YouTube sensations to darker phenomena such as the emergence of ISIS – in our new hyper-connected world, ideas and movements can spread and flourish with astonishing force and speed.
In New Power, Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms confront the biggest story of our age and trace how New Power is the key to understanding where we are and will prosper in the 21st Century.
Drawing on examples from business, politics, popular culture and social justice, as well as case studies of organisations like LEGO and TED, they explain the forces that are changing the course of our age.
In a world increasingly shaped by New Power, this book will show you how to shape your future.

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About the Author-
  • Jeremy Heimans is a lifelong activist, working to create a fairer world. He co-founded the online political communities and GetUp (an Australian grassroots political movement), and as co-founder and CEO of Purpose he advises some of the most influential organisations in the world, including The Gates Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies and Unilever. Recipient of the Ford Foundation's 75th Anniversary Visionary Award, he is one of Fast Company's Most Creative People in Business, and has been listed as one of the 10 most influential voices on sustainability in the United States by Guardian and as one of the world's most powerful LGBT people. He serves as chair of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Civic Participation.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    December 4, 2017
    Heimans and Timms expand a popular Harvard Business Review article on the concept of “new power”—“open, participatory, and peer-driven,” as opposed to “old power,” which is “closed, inaccessible, and leader-driven”—with mixed success in their first book. The authors draw on their own experiences (Heimans’s as CEO and cofounder of consultancy Purpose, Timms’s as executive director of New York City’s 92nd Street Y), as well as on interviews with other innovators and an expansive review of examples of the “new power,” including Airbnb, Black Lives Matter, and the Ice Bucket Challenge. Although Heimans and Timms are effective communicators, the book suffers from too many case studies—however interesting individual entries are—and not enough structure and analysis. Heimans and Timms don’t shy away from the darker side of “new power” (e.g., ISIS’s social media campaigns) but also don’t explore it in any depth, instead focusing throughout on success stories. The book ends leaving the reader with the lingering question of whether the phenomenon it identifies will “do more to bring us together and to build a more just world than it does to divide us and exacerbate inequalities.”

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    Pan Macmillan
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New Power
New Power
Why outsiders are winning, institutions are failing, and how the rest of us can keep up in the age of mass participation
Jeremy Heimans
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