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Timelines of Everything
Cover of Timelines of Everything
Timelines of Everything
by DK
Explore 13 billion years of history in the comfort of your own home! Journey through time and discover how some of the world's greatest events unfolded.
From the Big Bang all the way through to the digital age, this incredible visual encyclopedia for children shows you just about everything that has ever happened in history.
Witness history come alive as you travel through more than 130 stunning timelines. Packed with fantastic photographs and illustrations, along with informative text and fun facts. The history book covers the rise and fall of empires to ground-breaking scientific breakthroughs and inventions that changed our lives.
This educational book is an imaginative way of illustrating world history for children age 8 and over. Throughout the pages, your child will get to meet the most bloodthirsty pirates of all time and discover what happened during the storming of the Bastille. It's a fantastic book for young readers with a natural curiosity about history around the world.
Find your place in the world and understand where you fit in. Whether you want to discover the history of cinema, fashion, aviation, or espionage. There is something for everyone in this glorious guide through global history!
The History of Everything... Ever!
This fascinating reference book tells the story of a diverse range of subjects throughout history in an easily digested graphic format! After your kids dive into this book, you'll never hear them use the words "history" and "boring" in the same sentence again.
Take a trip back in time! This history book covers the following eras:
- Prehistory: Before 3000 BCE
- The Ancient World: 3000 BCE - 500 CE
- The Medieval World: 500 - 1450
- The Age of Exploration: 1450 - 1750
- The Age of Revolution: 1750 - 1914
- The Modern World: After 1914
Explore 13 billion years of history in the comfort of your own home! Journey through time and discover how some of the world's greatest events unfolded.
From the Big Bang all the way through to the digital age, this incredible visual encyclopedia for children shows you just about everything that has ever happened in history.
Witness history come alive as you travel through more than 130 stunning timelines. Packed with fantastic photographs and illustrations, along with informative text and fun facts. The history book covers the rise and fall of empires to ground-breaking scientific breakthroughs and inventions that changed our lives.
This educational book is an imaginative way of illustrating world history for children age 8 and over. Throughout the pages, your child will get to meet the most bloodthirsty pirates of all time and discover what happened during the storming of the Bastille. It's a fantastic book for young readers with a natural curiosity about history around the world.
Find your place in the world and understand where you fit in. Whether you want to discover the history of cinema, fashion, aviation, or espionage. There is something for everyone in this glorious guide through global history!
The History of Everything... Ever!
This fascinating reference book tells the story of a diverse range of subjects throughout history in an easily digested graphic format! After your kids dive into this book, you'll never hear them use the words "history" and "boring" in the same sentence again.
Take a trip back in time! This history book covers the following eras:
- Prehistory: Before 3000 BCE
- The Ancient World: 3000 BCE - 500 CE
- The Medieval World: 500 - 1450
- The Age of Exploration: 1450 - 1750
- The Age of Revolution: 1750 - 1914
- The Modern World: After 1914
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  • School Library Journal

    December 21, 2018

    Gr 7 Up-The volume, produced by Smithsonian and DK, traces the most notable developments of each era, from dinosaurs and the dawn of humanity to the invention of the wheel to ancient Greece and Egypt, from famous empires and revolutions to modern wars, technology and politics-it's all here in capsule form. Smithsonian rarely undertakes anything small, and this hefty volume is no exception. To say that this work is an undertaking of epic proportions is an understatement-it provides time lines from prehistory (before 3,000 BCE) to what it calls the "modern world" (1914 and after). It's a lot to take in, but DK's signature design breaks the content into reasonably digestible sections. It's a beautifully illustrated work, if a bit condensed owing to the necessary brevity. A glossary describes potentially challenging words and concepts (apartheid, glasnost, tsar, paganism), and the pages are eye-catching, with notable highlights and appropriate illustrative materials. VERDICT An ideal coffee-table browsing book for upper middle school or high school students.-Sharon Verbeten, Brown County Library, Green Bay, WI

    Copyright 1 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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