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Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old
Cover of Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old
Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old
A Highly Judgmental, Unapologetically Honest Accounting of All the Things Our Elders Are Doing Wrong
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For fans of David Sedaris and Nora Ephron, here is a humorous, irreverent, and poignant look at the gifts, stereotypes, and inevitable challenges of aging, based on the wildly popular New York Times essay from award-winning journalist Steven Petrow.
Soon after his 50th birthday, Steven Petrow began assembling a list of "things I won't do when I get old"—mostly a catalog of all the things he thought his then 70-something year old parents were doing wrong. That list, which included "You won't have to shout at me that I'm deaf," and "I won't blame the family dog for my incontinence," became the basis of this rousing collection of do's and don'ts, wills and won'ts that is equal parts hilarious, honest, and practical.
The fact is, we don't want to age the way previous generations did. "Old people" hoard. They bore relatives—and strangers—with tales of their aches and pains. They insist on driving long after they've become a danger to others (and themselves). They eat dinner at 4pm. They swear they don't need a cane or walker (and guess what happens next). They never, ever apologize. But there is another way . . .
In Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old, Petrow candidly addresses the fears, frustrations, and stereotypes that accompany aging. He offers a blueprint for the new old age, and an understanding that aging and illness are not the same. As he writes, "I meant the list to serve as a pointed reminder—to me—to make different choices when I eventually cross the threshold to 'old.'"
Getting older is a privilege. This essential guide reveals how to do it with grace, wisdom, humor, and hope. And without hoarding.
For fans of David Sedaris and Nora Ephron, here is a humorous, irreverent, and poignant look at the gifts, stereotypes, and inevitable challenges of aging, based on the wildly popular New York Times essay from award-winning journalist Steven Petrow.
Soon after his 50th birthday, Steven Petrow began assembling a list of "things I won't do when I get old"—mostly a catalog of all the things he thought his then 70-something year old parents were doing wrong. That list, which included "You won't have to shout at me that I'm deaf," and "I won't blame the family dog for my incontinence," became the basis of this rousing collection of do's and don'ts, wills and won'ts that is equal parts hilarious, honest, and practical.
The fact is, we don't want to age the way previous generations did. "Old people" hoard. They bore relatives—and strangers—with tales of their aches and pains. They insist on driving long after they've become a danger to others (and themselves). They eat dinner at 4pm. They swear they don't need a cane or walker (and guess what happens next). They never, ever apologize. But there is another way . . .
In Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old, Petrow candidly addresses the fears, frustrations, and stereotypes that accompany aging. He offers a blueprint for the new old age, and an understanding that aging and illness are not the same. As he writes, "I meant the list to serve as a pointed reminder—to me—to make different choices when I eventually cross the threshold to 'old.'"
Getting older is a privilege. This essential guide reveals how to do it with grace, wisdom, humor, and hope. And without hoarding.
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About the Author-
  • STEVEN PETROW is an award-winning journalist and columnist for the Washington Post and USA Today, as well as a regular contributor to The New York Times. His essays on aging, health, and yes, civility, often appear on the "Most Read" lists, and you've likely heard him on NPR or one of your favorite—or least favorite—TV networks. His previous books include Steven Petrow's Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners, The Lost Hamptons, and When Someone You Know Has AIDS (3rd edition), among others. His TED Talk, "3 Ways to Practice Civility," has garnered nearly two million views, and he is a past president of NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ journalists. Petrow lives in Hillborough, NC. Visit his website at:, follow him on Twitter @stevenpetrow, and find him on Facebook: stevenpetrow.
  • Booklist

    August 20, 2021
    When he turned 50, award-winning journalist, columnist, and Ted Talk favorite Petrow began to keep a list of "the stupid things I won't do when I get old," a litany of all the annoying things his parents and other old people around him were doing. Included are such offenses as being afraid to fall, lying to their doctors, and refusing to change their ways. As he grew older, Petrow began to ruminate on things like continuing to drive when one has become a threat to others, waiting to be deaf before getting a hearing aid, and turning his home into a "sweat lodge." Finally, looking at life's end, Petrow vows to refuse to die without planning his own funeral, or writing letters to loved ones. With coauthor Henry, Petrow supports his plans up with quotes from favorite authors and facts from various studies, ultimately presenting a solid case for paying attention as you age. Along the way, he began to understand his parents actions. Readers dealing with aging parents or beginning to feel twinges of age's tolls themselves will be especially interested. Petrow can't prevent you from becoming your parents, but he can remind you how a positive attitude, gratitude, patience, and compassion can make a big difference.


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    Citadel Press
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Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old
Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old
A Highly Judgmental, Unapologetically Honest Accounting of All the Things Our Elders Are Doing Wrong
Steven Petrow
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