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Dirty Thirty
Cover of Dirty Thirty
Dirty Thirty
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Janet Evanovich, the "most popular mystery writer alive" (The New York Times), is in top form as she sends Stephanie Plum on the trail of a stolen stash of dirty diamonds.
Stephanie Plum, Trenton's hardest working, most underappreciated bounty hunter, is offered a freelance assignment that seems simple enough. Local jeweler Martin Rabner wants her to locate his former security guard, Andy Manley (a.k.a. Nutsy), who he is convinced stole a fortune in diamonds out of his safe. Stephanie is also looking for another troubled man, Duncan Dugan, a fugitive from justice arrested for robbing the same jewelry store on the same day.

With her boyfriend Morelli away in Miami on police business, Stephanie is taking care of Bob, Morelli's giant orange dog who will devour anything, from Stephanie's stray donuts to the upholstery in her car. Morelli's absence also means the inscrutable, irresistible security expert Ranger is front and center in Stephanie's life when things inevitably go sideways. And he seems determined to stay there.

To complicate matters, her best friend Lula is convinced she is being stalked by a mythological demon hell-bent on relieving her of her wardrobe. An overnight stakeout with Stephanie's mother and Grandma Mazur reveals three generations of women with nerves of steel and driving skills worthy of NASCAR champions.

As the body count rises and witnesses start to disappear, it won't be easy for Stephanie to keep herself clean when everyone else is playing dirty. It's a good thing Stephanie isn't afraid of getting a little dirty, too.

Janet Evanovich, the "most popular mystery writer alive" (The New York Times), is in top form as she sends Stephanie Plum on the trail of a stolen stash of dirty diamonds.
Stephanie Plum, Trenton's hardest working, most underappreciated bounty hunter, is offered a freelance assignment that seems simple enough. Local jeweler Martin Rabner wants her to locate his former security guard, Andy Manley (a.k.a. Nutsy), who he is convinced stole a fortune in diamonds out of his safe. Stephanie is also looking for another troubled man, Duncan Dugan, a fugitive from justice arrested for robbing the same jewelry store on the same day.

With her boyfriend Morelli away in Miami on police business, Stephanie is taking care of Bob, Morelli's giant orange dog who will devour anything, from Stephanie's stray donuts to the upholstery in her car. Morelli's absence also means the inscrutable, irresistible security expert Ranger is front and center in Stephanie's life when things inevitably go sideways. And he seems determined to stay there.

To complicate matters, her best friend Lula is convinced she is being stalked by a mythological demon hell-bent on relieving her of her wardrobe. An overnight stakeout with Stephanie's mother and Grandma Mazur reveals three generations of women with nerves of steel and driving skills worthy of NASCAR champions.

As the body count rises and witnesses start to disappear, it won't be easy for Stephanie to keep herself clean when everyone else is playing dirty. It's a good thing Stephanie isn't afraid of getting a little dirty, too.
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About the Author-
  • Over the last twenty-six years, Janet Evanovich has written a staggering forty-five New York Times bestsellers. In addition to her #1 bestselling Stephanie Plum novels and many other popular books, Janet is the author of The Recovery Agent, the start of a blockbuster new series.
  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2023

    Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is back in a milestone--her 30th adventure--and though we don't yet know what she'll be up to, she'll doubtless be pulling in her wild and reckless family and friends. Prepub Alert.

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal

    Copyright 2023 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    September 4, 2023
    Newark, N.J., bounty hunter Stephanie Plum looks into a pair of jewelry heists in her goofy, good-natured latest adventure from bestseller Evanovich (after 2022’s Going Rogue). Martin Rabner, owner of one of Newark’s best-known jewelry stores, asks Stephanie to track down his missing security guard, Andy “Nutsy” Manley, who Rabner believes stole a tray of diamonds valued at nearly a million dollars from his safe. Stephanie gladly accepts, seeing the job as a quick cash grab—she’s known Nutsy since childhood—and a nice complement to her other gig trailing Duncan Dugan, who jumped bail after being arrested for robbing Rabner’s store on the same day Nutsy went missing (though he conclusively didn’t steal the diamonds). Joining Stephanie in her investigations are her flamboyant best friend Lula, and Bob, an excitable dog she’s taking care of for her boyfriend, Morelli, while he’s out of town. Series fans know what they’re in for, and Evanovich delivers it: quick wit, sly clue-dropping, and a well-utilized supporting cast including Stephanie’s irrepressible Grandma Mazur and the sexy Ranger, owner of a high-end security business who offers Stephanie backup (and a bed) as needed. This is fast-paced and laugh-filled fun. Agent: Celeste Fine, Park and Fine.

  • Booklist

    October 1, 2023
    Those who don't yet know sassy, spunky New Jersey sleuth Stephanie Plum simply must meet her. While her adventures as a bail bond- recovery agent are often dangerous and violent, they also provide plenty of wacky, outrageous humor. But whatever happens, Stephanie always survives with aplomb. Her supporting cast is eclectic, to say the least--larger than life, mouthy former "ho" Lula, whose fashion choices include fluorescent clothes and giant wigs; Stephanie's longtime lover, handsome cop Joe Morelli; and sexy security agent and former special-forces operative Ranger. Stephanie's latest case involves tracking down two men involved in a massive jewelry heist: Duncan Dugan, who skipped bail post robbery, and Stephanie's high-school friend, Nutsy Manley, now a professional clown and security guard, who was apparently involved in the heist. In her quest to find the pair, Stephanie encounters physical danger, has her apartment firebombed, and is threatened and nearly shot. As usual, though, she refuses to give up until she's cracked the case and brought the baddies to justice. And just to make sure her life isn't boring, she receives not one but two marriage proposals. An uproarious, crazy, laugh-a-minute caper with Trenton, New Jersey's most likable and notorious crime buster. HIGH-DEMAND BACKSTORY: This strong entry in Evanovich's long-running series will excite Stephanie Plum's many fans.


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Dirty Thirty
Dirty Thirty
Janet Evanovich
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